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The first fan site Community-TV was launched via LiveJournal on September 18th, 2009, the day after the pilot episode aired. On Tumblr, there are several Community themed single topic blogs, including one dedicated to GIFs from the show and another dedicated to illustrating the tropes used in the show.Īs of July 2012, This community has more than 4000 posts and 3752 members. These fan communities are also known for using several catchphrases associated with the show's characters, such as Abed’s “coolcoolcoolcool” and Magnitude’s “Pop Pop.”, as well as puns made by the characters Senor Chang and Dean Pelton. The fans of the show also maintain an active presence on social networking sites including LiveJournal, Twitter and Tumblr, where they interact with each other as well as cast members directly involved with the show. When Community was put on an indefinite hiatus beginning on December 8th, 2011, an online petition to save the show was immediately launched, earning 97,201 signatures as of July 2012. On Twitter, the hashtags #SaveCommunity and #SixSeasonsAndAMovie began to trend, while a Save Community page was launched on Facebook, which has more than 10,000 likes.

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